How can 3D product configurators help renew your brand experience?

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Retail eCommerce represents around 6.310 billion $USD and is expected to grow to attain 8.148 billion $USD in 2026 [1]. Therefore, the online brand experience is as important as the in-store experience, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic. Why is this relevant? 
When talking about brand image, one immediately thinks of the logo, slogan, and visual identity of the brand. However, it is much more than that. It is the combination between the image the brand wishes to have and the interactions with consumers that define its brand identity. It is a brand experience. 
Today, brand experience is not limited to the in-store sales ceremony but, it is also about the online customer journey.  

If you are wondering how to make your online shopping experience more vivid and memorable, then you are in the right place!  
In this article, we will be talking about how you can enhance your brand experience for your consumers through 3D product configurators. Here you will find the benefits of adopting 3D product configurators for your online boutique and the impact it has on your consumer experience. 

The importance of brand experience

Contenu généré par les utilisateurs après la personnalisation de leur produit
Valentino user-genrated content, showing consumer satisfaction
A question one could ask would be: why is brand experience so important? Brand experience is crucial to the success of a brand as it directly influences the perceptions, loyalty, and trust that consumers have toward the brand.  
A positive brand experience creates lasting consumer satisfaction, trust, advocacy, and thus consumer loyalty. Nevertheless, negative brand experiences lead to poor brand image and discourage potential customers from buying from a certain brand.  
Therefore, brand experience is vital for a brand to thrive. Why would you want to better your brand experience through technology? Here is why. 

Differentiate your brand through customization with 3D product configurators

Differentiate yourself through personalization offers. How can customization enhance your brand image and experience? For three simple reasons: 
  • First, it provides brands with a unique and original offrir; even if other brands have customization offers, your offer will always be different from your competitors.’ Furthermore, adding a customizable option to one of your products increases its uniqueness.  

  • Secondly, customization enables consumers to be directly involved in the conception process of their product visuals. It gives the consumer the prestige of composing their own product. Furthermore, consumers will feel that their ideas and demands are acknowledged.  

  • Finally, customization provides the brand with additional data on their client base helping them to understand consumer tastes on a deeper level. It enables the creation of content and suggestions tailored to each customer’s preferences and desires. 
Grâce aux 3D product configurators, your online shopping experience will never be easier to optimize. 3D product configurators are highly appreciated by brands that developed their own customization experience because of:  
  • Unique products for unique customers: clients can visually browse from a wide range of selections to customize their products.  

  • Interactive 3D visualization: consumers can visualize and engage with their product at 360° exactly as it will be once it is produced, which increases excitement on their part.  

  • Instant product personalization: consumers can view their customized products from every angle and acknowledge the changes made on their products in real time
Finally, customization through 3D product configurators increases consumer satisfaction. It provides consumers with a sense of importance and acknowledgment. Their products are partly created by the consumers for consumers.  
Discover our customization experience for Camille Fournet now.    
However, customization is not the only way toward enhancing your brand experience.

Use 3D product visuals to enhance customer trust

Consumer trust is one of the most essential elements for a brand. A lack of trust would mean a lack of transparency on the brand’s part. Not only is it detrimental to the brand experience but to the brand image as well. Thus, consumers will be less inclined to consume products from a brand. 
But why use 3D product configurators for enhanced consumer trust? Simply for these two reasons: 
  • Photorealistic 3D product visuals: consumers can fully visualize their product online in the slightest detail. The visuals are a perfect representation of the product down to the smallest signs of human gestures. Keeping the fundamentals of craftsmanship while making a perfect 3D product visual is key to 3D product configurators

  • Humanizing the buying process: 3D product configurators enable consumers to manipulate the product to visualize it from each of its angles and in a 360° view as they would during an in-store experience.  
Overall, 3D product configurators are great tools to secure your consumers’ trust.  

Save time and resources in feeding your brand with 3D images

As brand experience brushes off on brand image and vice versa, 3D product configurators can help your brand feed its image through marketing content. 3D product visuals enable brands to save time and money concerning their content creation.  
SmartPixels developed Product Visual Studio, a platform generating endless product visuals on-demand, ready to be exploited for all your marketing and communication needs. 
Once digitized, products are available in all their variants from their diverse material to their assorted colors. Thus, saving time and resources on endless and costly photoshoots on a bigger scale and in the long run. 
In addition, based on Forbes’ analysis, visuels 3D have been proven to increase conversion rates for luxury brands by approximately 40%. Thus, permitting increased visibility, and better brand awareness. Brand image is important to attract customers and let them live through their customer journey. 
Therefore, using 3D product configurators will help your brand thrive through its interesting features that benefit your brand experience. 
Still not convinced? Discover Globe Trotter’s immersive online brand experience with their configurateur produit en 3D.  