Comment les visuels 3D révolutionnent la vente à distance ?

Akris rendus 3D

Les visuels 3D révolutionnent la vente à distance: découvrez comment Qu’est-ce que la vente à distance ? Ventes e-commerce pour le retail à l’échelle mondiale de 2016 à 2024 La vente à distance implique l’acte d’achat d’un bien sans l’exécution physique du vendeur ou de l’acheteur. Il peut acheter par téléphone, sur catalogue ou directement […]

3 modi in cui i marchi di bellezza utilizzano la Realtà Aumentata

Rendering 3D per Realtà Aumentata

3 modalità con cui i marchi di bellezza utilizzano la Realtà Aumentata Visualizzazione 3D per la Realtà Aumentata La Realtà Aumentata è una tecnologia che permette ai suoi utilizzatori di sovrapporre contenuti virtuali (immagini, suoni, testi) a un ambiente reale. Essa utilizza immagini generate virtualmente in 3D, e “dà vita” a oggetti non realmente presenti […]

3 ways beauty brands are using Augmented Reality

3D Augmented Reality solutions

3 ways beauty brands are using Augmented Reality Augmented Reality 3D visualization Augmented Reality (AR) technology allows users to superimpose virtual content (e.g. images, sounds, text) over a real-world environment.   It exploits 3D, computer-generated visuals, and “brings to life“, items that are not physically present in the user’s environment. Augmented Reality has been demonstrated […]

4 façons dont nos clients exploitent nos visuels 3D

Rendus 3D pour l'e-commerce et les réseaux socieaux

4 façons dont nos clients exploitent nos visuel 3D Table of Contents Disposer de visuels de haute qualité est devenu fondamental pour le e-commerce. Les attentes des acheteurs augmentent à un rythme considérable. En effet, les clients qui achètent en ligne envisagent au moins 8 visuels différents sur chaque page produit. Pourtant, la photographie traditionnelle […]

How do our customers exploit our 3D visuals?

Rendus 3D pour l'e-commerce et les réseaux socieaux

How do our customers exploit our 3D visuals? Why should you start using 3D renderings ? 3D prototyping phase of a 3D rendering creation Having high-quality visuals has become fundamental for e-commerce. Shoppers’ expectations are rising at a considerable pace. To illustrate, customers buying online prefer to have at least eight different visuals on each […]

NFTs and luxury: which strategy to adopt?

Metaverse Fashion week

NFTs & luxury : which strategy to adopt ? Dolce & Gabbana Metaverse Fashion Week SmartPixels had the opportunity to interview Nathalie Lemonnier, founder of Lemon Think. Lemon Think is a consulting agency that supports luxury brands within their digital strategies and client relationships. Nathalie Lemonnier provided us with an overview of how luxury and […]

Come incrementare le vendite con uno strumento di customizzazione prodotto ?

3D renderings realized by SmartPixels for Valentino

Come incrementare le vendite con uno strumento di personalizzazione prodotto ? Perché la personalizzazione è importante ? Rendering 3D personalizzati realizzati da SmartPixels per le borse Chloé Per l’industria del lusso, la possibilità di personalizzare i prodotti, ha sempre rappresentato una sfida assai consistente. Tuttaiva, non si sono dimostrati sufficienti la fiducia nei brand e […]

How to boost your sales with product personalization?

3D renderings realized by SmartPixels for Valentino

How to boost your sales with product personalization? Why personalization matters ? 3D personalized renderings realized by SmartPixels for Chloé bags For the luxury industry, product personalization has always represented a considerable challenge. Brands’ trust and clients’ imagination are not enough today to keep pace with customers’ increasing expectations.    The global pandemic changed consumer behavior like […]

Why should you use 3D renderings on your product page?

3D renderings of a Chloé bag

Why should you use 3D renderings on your product page? What is a 3D rendering? 3D rendering of a Chloé bag with an highlight on the 3D modelling phase The process of converting information from a 3D model into a 2D image is known as 3D rendering. 3D product renderings are subjected to a wide […]

Pelletteria: 5 configuratori di prodotto 3D per incrementare le vendite

Configuratore di prodotto 3D per l'e-commerce

Pelletteria : 5 configuratori di prodotto 3D per incrementare le vendite La crescita dei configuratori prodotto 3D Ricavi del settore della pelletteria di lusso L’industria del lusso ha solo recentemente iniziato a riprendersi dalla crisi causata dalla pandemia del COVID-19. Infatti, le vendite dei marchi di pelletteria di lusso sono calati del 16.37% tra il […]

Leather goods: 5 3D product configurators to boost sales

Configuratore di prodotto 3D per l'e-commerce

Leather goods: 5 3D product configurators to boost sales The rise of 3D product configurators Luxury leather goods revenues The luxury industry has just recently started to bounce back from the severe hits provided by the COVID-19 pandemic. To exemplify, luxury leather goods revenues dropped by 16.37% between 2019 and 2020 [1].    On the other […]

A Metaverse journey with Regina, Senior Digital Strategist at McCann Paris

Luxury NFTs

A Metaverse journey with Regina, Senior Digital Strategist at McCann Paris Gucci’s Metaverse universe : THE VAULT The Metaverse and NFTs market has seen major eruptions since the fourth quarter of 2020. These topics were widely searched on Google during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic.   “Last year, after we have been confined, the […]

Essayage virtuel pour les chaussures, pourquoi investir ?

Essayage virtuel chaussures by SmartPixels

Pourquoi investir dans l’essayage virtuel pour les chaussures ? Utilisation de a technologie de Réalité Augmentée en fonction de l’âge Réalité Augmentée : une tendance en croissance On estime que le marché de l’e-commerce augmentera d’environ 11 000 milliards de dollars entre 2021 et 2025 [1]. Les entreprises ont réalisé l’importance d’une présence en ligne […]